Cloud City & Supremacy: Increased the size on the final Rebel objective and moved it slightly.
Cloud City & Walker Assault: Changed the AT-ST token respawn time from 34 to 60 seconds.
Cloud City & Walker Assault: Increased the time for AT-AT Pickups to spawn from 30 to 100 seconds.
Cloud City & Walker Assault: Reduced amount of turrets & droid power-ups for the Empire.
Cloud City & Turning Point: Moved back the Imperial spawn locations from the last set of capture points.
Heroes Vs Villains: Round ends after three rounds on the Outer Rim levels.
Cloud City: Resolved various instances in which the players could fall through the map and not die.
Cloud City: Resolved an issue in which the capture area for an objective in Turning Point was cut off by out of bounds.
Cloud City: Resolved an issue with a misplaced out of bounds area.
Administrator’s Palace: Resolved a bug in which Boba Fett could reach an invisible collision box located very high up on the level.
Pre-round: Changed the pre-round timer from 60 to 90 seconds.
Appearances: Resolved the bug that made all Rebel items usable on the Bespin maps without purchasing them.
Team balance: Resolved a bug in which a team could be split and no auto partner assigned if the server had a low player count.
Scoring: Changed the kill assist event to not trigger a kill and count towards your next trait rank.
Cloud Car: Resolved a bug in which the blaster VFX incorrectly fired while playing in first person in the cloud car.
Partner: Spawning is disabled on partners if an enemy is within 10 meters, changed from 2 meters.
This should make it less likely that players will be able to partner spawn when being close to an enemy before a fire fight has started.
Partner: Increased the spawning checks made on partner from 2 seconds to 1 second in order to more accurately determine if you are able to spawn or not.
Play Walker Assault or Fighter Squadron against AI bots together with a friend in online co-op, split screen (console only), or singleplayer.
Skirmish: A new mode, Skirmish, is now available for all players.
Ma i miglioramenti che troverete in questo nuovo aggiornamento non finisco qui, per saperli tutti vi rimando al changelog completo della patch. DICE ha rilasciato una nuova patch per Star Wars Battlefront, questa nuova patch va ad aggiungere una nuova modalità Schermaglia offline, in cui dovremo in singolo o in co-op eliminare dei bot.Īlcuni altri cambiamenti sono l’aumento del timer pre-round da 60 a 90 secondi, inoltre alcune mappe hanno ottenuto alcuni bilanciamenti.